Monthly Archives: October 2012

“If you don’t get uncom…

“If you don’t get uncomfortable, nothing is going to change.”

I haven’t blogged in so long, I hardly know where to start. Now that I work and go to school it seems like my free time escaped out the window. I decided to set aside some time on Thursdays to write blogs because it is my only day of no work or school, and I really miss writing, expressing, and sharing my thoughts on health and fitness. Since fall is here, I decided to share with you some information on pumpkins. Pumpkins are so amazing. They can be so useful for so many things. For example, pumpkin makes a great face mask. Aside from that, some of the benefits of eating pumpkin come from it’s high antioxidant content. Pumpkin’s orange color is due to its high antioxidant content because it contains lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which support vision health and neutralizes free radicals which means that it slows down the aging process. Pumpkin puree also contains high levels of vitamin A, E, & C. One 1/2 of canned pumpkin is only 40 calories and has 3 grams of fiber. Pumpkin really packs a bunch of nutrition and can make a delicious healthy shake that is one of my favorites that I am going to tell you the recipe for below.



1 cup Coconut milk (unsweetened) or Flax Milk (unsweetened)

1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder ( I uses MRM vanilla whey)

5 ice cubes

dash of cinnamon or to taste

1/2 cup canned pumpkin (no sugar added) NOT THE PUMPKIN PIE FILLING ONE.

2 packets NuNu naturals Stevia or 2 packets Truvia or Purevia or splenda. (I use NuNu Naturals)

pinch of xanthum gum(optional, but increases shakes thickness)

Blend all the ingredients together in a blender and enjoy this amazing fall favorite shake! 🙂

175 calories and high in protein 🙂
